Bands in the Boudoir
Welcome to this podcast series where I talk to the artists behind the music I play on my radio shows on www.ukcountryradio.com. A new season is on it's way :) where I've got some more fab interviews. In this podcast, you can join me while I chat to and get to know the musicians and artists behind their music. Listen to their stories and share some laughter and fun with us along the way. www.facebook.com/lynnenashmusicandvoice, twitter: @lynnenashmusic, Instagram: @lynnenashmusicandvoice
Bands in the Boudoir
Episode 6: Katelyn Ingardia from BacklineSC
lynne nash
In this episode I'm talking to the very delightful Katelyn Ingardia from the band BacklineSC.
She talks about how she got into the bluegrass scene, how long the band have been going, what their past and future projects are and about their future tours. We also discuss her influences and the band's influences and of course the fabulous songwriting.
Follow them on:
Instagram: Backlinesc
Twitter: @backlineblue
Facebook: @backlinesc
Enjoy the journey :). Follow the links to find out more about them and to purchase their music